Our solutions

Threesixty national footprint, with trusted Employment Service Providers and Employers relationships

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Pre-employment Programs

The goal of our pre-employment program is to give priority cohorts – the disengaged youth, return-to-work parents/women, carers,  mature aged, those living with a disability, and from migrant/refugee backgrounds, industry-specific training and immediate employment outcomes for employers in growth key sectors.

Projects are designed to address skills shortages in industries experiencing high levels of unmet recruitment needs, by supporting both large organisations and small businesses with their volume recruitment requirements.

It aims to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of the employer’s specific hiring process, and equip them with soft skills to enhance their employability. With experienced facilitators from private recruitment backgrounds leading the program, participants receive valuable insight into the perspective of the hiring manager.

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Recruitment Solutions

As your recruitment partner, we strive to create a smooth and positive experience for both job seekers and employers as they navigate the job market. Our services include key stakeholder management, marketing, thorough screening, and sourcing of suitable candidates to meet high levels of unfulfilled recruitment demands across multiple industries.

We utilise a secure online portal tailored to our clients’ requirements for workflow management, and project management through our central candidate and employer database.

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Managed Services

Our Wage Subsidy Management+ service is a streamlined package managed by a dedicated team of 360 Wage Subsidy Specialists. We take care of the entire job seeker wage subsidy requirements, giving employers more time to focus on their business. Our end-to-end service involves negotiating job seeker wage subsidies, facilitating payslip requests for Worforce Australia (WFA) and Disability Employment Services (DES) providers and managing documentary evidence to achieve desired outcomes. We’ll also review benchmark hours, claim dates, monitor job seeker performance and track weekly hours ensuring high success rate in employment outcomes.

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Permanent Recruitment

Permanent Recruitment services with a focus on advocating industry’s marginalised groups and increasing the Employers’ Diversity & Inclusion status.

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